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A safe space for children to explore their inner world.

At Therapy at Play, we use play therapy to support children with a variety of needs, whether they be social, emotional, behavioural or neurological.

Children communicate through the natural language of play, and use it as a vehicle to overcome trauma, emotional hardships, and other challenges associated with childhood. Play Therapy has a strong evidence base as one of the most effective forms of therapy for children.

In addition to this, at Therapy at Play we provide children with a safe space to express themselves, feel accepted, and master new skills. We support them as they explore their emotions, share their vulnerabilities, and over come their challenges.  

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Out Reach or In Clinic

Outreach is a big part of what we do. We are happy to work from your child's educational setting, and in some cases your home. Alternatively, we work from our space in Preston. Get in touch to chat about the best option for your child.

Hi, I'm Alex

Play Therapist (Masters of Child Play Therapy)

I am a qualified therapist, having completed a Masters of Child Play Therapy at Deakin University. Most importantly, I am passionate about working with children and their families, to achieve best outcomes for all.

I have worked closely with children and families for the past eight years across both educational and therapeutic settings.  

Through my work, I have seen and supported children to overcome challenges, work through trauma, and gain understanding and confidence within themselves and those around them. 

Additionally, I have worked with families to learn and implement strategies that have strengthened their relationships with their children and their ability to communicate openly with one another to achieve desired outcomes.  

I firmly believe that when children are provided a safe and supportive environment to play and be themselves, they gain skills and strengths that will last a lifetime. I am committed to offering support to children and families within a caring environment - with a focus on facilitating continual growth and strengthening of skills. I believe in the growth mindset of children and the importance and impact of their families and caregivers on their development.

NDIS Accredited Practitioner

At Therapy at Play, we are happy to work with clients that are NDIS funded as well as clients that are independent and booking privately.  

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How we play at
Therapy at play

We build relationships

The most important focus at Therapy at Play, is the therapeutic relationship between the child and therapist. The therapist builds strong and trusting relationships with the children, taking a strengths-based approach to foster growth towards goals.

We create a safe environment

Therapy at Play creates a place of emotional and physical safety for the child. The therapist holds the space for the child, allowing them to unpack and work through their challenges and emotions.

We colour outside the lines

The are no rules for what children can and cannot play in the playroom. This allows children to play out any emotions or trauma that may be deemed ‘inappropriate’ to express elsewhere. The only guideline is that the child, therapist and equipment is respected and kept safe.

Whole system approach

At Therapy at Play, we understand the importance and impact of the child’s system in their overall growth and development. We ensure we work closely with families and para-professionals within the child’s sphere, to achieve best outcomes for the child.

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Have a go at drawing with your mouse in this box!

Have a go at drawing  in this box!

Press the letter 'C' to clear and start again!

At Therapy at play, we allow your child to play in whatever way they want - no rules or boundaries - allowing their inner world to be expressed in whatever way they need to express it.

"Alex has been pivotal in our child's development, and has helped him gain a much greater capacity to express what he's going through. Play Therapy has been the perfect vehicle for our family's growth."

- Previous Client


Do I come into the playroom with my child?

Parents do not come into the playroom for individual sessions. If the child needs the support of their parent to transition into the session, we will work together to implement strategies to ensure they feel comfortable before the parent leaves.

Parents will be in the playroom for Filial Therapy, as they will be learning the skills to play with their child, with the support of the therapist.  

Should I talk to my child about their session?

You can ask your child how their session was, but try to stay away from labels. For example, try to avoid asking your child “was that fun?” as the emotions or attitudes they felt may not align with this. Mislabelling a session or emotion may result in the child feeling as though they had done something wrong. i.e., the session should have been fun when perhaps it was not necessarily how they felt in the moment. Unfortunately, it also may result in the child feeling as though you don’t understand, and create a barrier for them to share with you in the future.

How do I know which therapy is best suited for my child?

The initial step in beginning any therapy is a discussion session with a therapist. At this time the Therapist will support you to decide on which therapy is most appropriate for your child and family.

Should I be playing differently with my child at home?

If you are having difficulty engaging in play with your child at home, talk to your child’s therapist and they can give you some strategies and play ideas. The important thing is being present with your child, and spending quality time with them.

How many sessions will it take to see noticeable changes in my child’s behaviour or attitudes?

Every child progresses through therapy at their own pace. Often children begin to display change within the play room before the outside world. Your child’s therapist will keep you updated on any changes or breakthroughs which you may then notice yourself. It is a good idea to talk to your child’s teachers as well, as they may have noticed change within their setting.

How will I know how my child is progressing in therapy?

Your child’s therapist will arrange parent consultations throughout the therapy process. Ideally parents will catch up with their child’s therapist once every 4-6 weeks. You will spend time discussing progress, play themes, and support strategies. These catch ups should take place without the child present. It is an important part of the process that we avoid speaking about the child and their sessions in front of the child, as this can make them feel unimportant and unseen.