individual Sessions

Child Centred Play Therapy

The child has access to a variety of toys and materials, which are used to facilitate exploration and sharing through play. The therapist follows the child’s lead in play, allowing them to use their language of play to communicate their inner world, their feelings, and their ideas. Child-Centred Play Therapy is a non-directive approach, supporting children to explore their inner world and emotions. Enhancing self-exploration, self-definition, and the developing of self-knowledge and self-efficacy are primary endeavours of Child-Centred Play Therapy. 

A cartoon smiley face with red dots on it's cheeks

The therapist holds the space for the child and creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere where the child is viewed with unconditional positive regard and acceptance. Children learn that the playroom is a safe space where they are able to be themselves without fear of judgement. 
Throughout the play sessions the therapist will support the child to explore self through their natural medium of expression, play. Children will identify their emotions, play out their challenges, thoughts and successes, and become empowered.

Child-Centred Play Therapy has been is based in research and studies highlight the method as an effective form of treatment for trauma, social and emotional challenges, self-esteem, anxiety, internalising and externalising issues, academic performance, attachment issues, disruptive behaviours, issues related to family environment, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), aggression, developmental delays, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), selective mutism and more.

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How it works at Therapy at play

Step One

Online Intake

The parent/carers are required to fill out an intake form with their child’s details and reasons for referral.

Step Two

Initial Consultation

The parent/carers meet with the therapist, whilst their child is not present (we will never talk about the child, in front of the child). We will discuss the child's strengths as well as their reasons for referral. Specific and measurable goals for will be set at this time.

Step Three

First Session

Time for your child’s first session! The child will be supported to enter the play space independently from their parent/carer. We understand that separation can be a big step for children, and we will support them with strategies to ensure they manage this transition.

Step Four


The therapist will organise a consultation with parents/carers every 4-6 weeks to discuss and progress, re-evaluate goals, and share strategies to best support the child.

Step Five


The therapist will let you know when your child has reached their goals and is ready to end their therapeutic journey. Children transition out of therapy over a couple of sessions, to ensure they feel a sense of closure. The parents/carers then engage in one final consultation with the therapist.

Out Reach or In Clinic

Outreach is a big part of what we do. We are happy to work from your child's educational setting, and in some cases your home. Alternatively, we work from our space in Preston. Get in touch to chat about the best option for your child.

The Theraputic Process

1. First Stage

The child can take some time to get used to the space and feel comfortable with the therapist. The first few sessions are typically focused on the building of the therapeutic relationship, and the development of safety and trust.

2. Second Stage

Once the children feel comfortable with the therapist, they can begin to test the limits of the play room. Children often do this as a way of testing the therapist, and ensuring that they can trust them to continue to support them, and view them with unconditional positive regard, even when they present the therapist with challenges.

3. Third Stage

The children feel comfortable to be vulnerable and express themselves. They play out their challenges and experiences, coming to a deeper understanding of them, or alleviating their negative emotions.

4. Fourth Stage

Children reach mastery. They feel confident in themselves and their skills. They have shared everything they felt necessary to share, and come to a deeper understanding of themselves and a strong connection to their emotional inner world.

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"Alex has been pivotal in our child's development, and has helped him gain a much greater capacity to express what he's going through. Play Therapy has been the perfect vehicle for our family's growth."

- Previous Client