Systemic Support

Parenting Support

We provide personalised strategies as well as education on typical and a-typical child development.

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At Therapy at Play, we believe that all parents and caregivers are doing their very best. We understand that raising children can be challenging, and that feeling overwhelmed or out of your depth is a common emotion. It is hard to know what to do, say or even how to behave at times whilst always considering what’s best for your child.

​Through our parenting support program, we offer both individual classes and group classes where parents are welcome to share their challenges in a safe environment free of judgement. A trained therapist will support and empower families to become the best versions of themselves. The therapist will support families to find strategies to that work for them in order to connect with their children and build strong and trusting relationships that will last a lifetime.​

Our parenting support classes have a strong focus on communication. The therapist supports families to become more aware of their communication styles, and how this effects family dynamics. By supporting families to communicate with their children in an age-appropriate manner that comes from a place of understanding and meets the child where they are, rather than where they are wanted or expected to be, they will be better able to attune to their child. This will not only support parents and caregivers to gain understanding of their child, but will allow the child to feel heard and understood, building positive relationships and fostering a strong sense of self.

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We're dedicated to supporting our parent/guardians as much as the children we work with. Get in touch to see how we can support your journey too.

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"Alex has been pivotal in our child's development, and has helped him gain a much greater capacity to express what he's going through. Play Therapy has been the perfect vehicle for our family's growth."

- Previous Client